So... what did i do on weekends?
Spent more time with people i love <3
this weekend was no exception. We went to
Jurong Bird Park!
and had tons of crazy fun there. the last time i wen there, i was just a year old.
that was on 1st May 1994.
thats like 18 years ago! o.O
So.. the plan was we get going at 9 am. but at 9am...
as usual we all just woke up.
kecian syng had to wait in the living room for the whole house to get ready.
i even had time to curl my hair while waiting for my family to get ready.
thats how slow we are. imagine.
so at ard 10.30 we are out of the house!
The night before i had this crazy idea of looking thru old pic & laugh at myself.
thanks to Syng... i get a chance to spent time and share the past with him.
we plan to take pics from the same place i took 18 years ago.
that didnt go well but i had a GREAT TIME!
Just dissapointed with the monorail ride... :(
Anyways here are some pics from JBP!
Mie with
Blue Amazon!!!
arent u impress by this little nature? i find it cool!!
isnt it pretty with that little cute crown on it?hehe :)
* he is just so cute with everything dont u think?*
lucky the bird is not hungry. if it is comfirm kena attack ready.
just like 18 years ago
*mom just sexier without my bro in the tummy & dad now cuter with the tummy*
*imagine 18 years from now i got back to JBP? how funny that would be?*
My Bro, Syng, me, my cousin, my Sis
We even got the chance to feed the Lorries!!!