This Blog is my on9 diary.
most of my post are just memories that I would like to remember.
some post may just be pics.
Friday, March 5, 2010
MY Super 17 th BiRthDay!
hey hey!many thing going on.pary party!haha.well last sat was my birth day so BBQ party!haha.damn had tons of fun and funny moments.wit my best gerlfriend!DING!!!so the nite b4 sleepover together small bed so wat our crazyness woke ppl up.hahaand ding made a new teacher and student.hehe.there`s a reason y we are bffs.haha. our crazyness is almost the same to a extend.hehewire short curcuit.hehe. so the next day was the party.the wierd thing is tat almost everyone came in black or the dress code.cik awah like ask me if i got made dress code cuz all family member wore like rainbow all the color hav.haha.well i was damn happy cuz sumone speacial was there but disappointed tat the campcraft gerls didnt make it.for some reason..well hope they had back to party.haha very hectic but wit two entertainer.haha well faisal and syurafa realli had taent to make noise and enjoy.very fun having them.damn funny lor nite got present for cik awah.hehe i kno the ding dong bell is very sweet.heheso next after was time wen to arcade there.damn fun.i think i really work out needs gym wen u hav arcade!haha cant wait to go there again this sunday.wild wild wet!here i come!!!
hello im Hidayah
i was born on 27 feb...
love my #awesomefiance
Im a picky eater but love to try new dessert.
Well like my best friend,i love to watch indon love movies...